January 18, 2007

My Sleep of Aeons

As I have slept these past millennia...er...months. These past months, actually. As I have slept, I have wandered the Dreamlands, haunting the nocturnal musings of countless folk with the sound of my terrible purring and the press of my heavy feet.

I returned to my roots for a time, bathing in the ethereal waters of Hali, and wandering the streets of Carcosa in search of prey...

I peered into the heart of the very evil that humans fear most, and came away refreshed...

Then, once more, I returned to this wretched felid form to exert my will upon the homosapien vermin that infest my lair.

I Have Returned!

In the time of my absence, much has transpired. The slaves that maintain me have gone and done it again, creating another child. I should have known better than to leave them alone, unsterilized. In the meantime, the first child that was spawned by virtue of their mortal lusts has grown ever larger, ever more mobile, ever more vocal. It not only cries, but it speaks, as well!

As young as their offspring is, he does not yet comprehend my vast and terrible power. He follows me, grabbing for my tail, spewing forth a litany of lunacy. The slaves laugh and smile at his babble. Were they to understand that he is actually speaking the forgotten language of R'lyeh, I doubt that they would be as enthusiastic.


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